- Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Vista
- Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Os
- Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Installer
- Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Download
Merging libraries. Select any set or all photos. Choose Export. From the Export dialog box, choose either Current or Original from the Kind pop-up menu, then click Export. Choose a destination and click OK. Drag the exported photos into the Photos library or use File Import to select and import.
Photos User Guide
You can create folders to group your albums. For example, you could create a folder named “Vacations” and put all the albums of your vacations into it. You can also create folders inside other folders.
Create a folder
Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Vista
In the Photos app on your Mac, click My Albums in the sidebar.
Choose File > New Folder.
Type a name for the folder.
Drag albums into the folder.
Tip: To quickly create a folder, Option-drag one or more albums onto another album. Photos places all the albums into a new folder. You can also drag other albums into the new folder.
You can’t move shared albums into a folder.
Delete a folder from the sidebar
In the Photos app on your Mac, click My Albums in the sidebar.
Control-click the folder, choose Delete Folder, then click Delete.
The folder and the albums within it are removed from the library and from iCloud, but the items in the albums remain in your photo library. If you accidentally remove a folder, choose Edit > Undo Delete Folder to restore it.
Merge Photos Libraries Mac High Sierra Os
To remove an album from a folder, click the folder in the sidebar, then Control-click the album on the right and choose Move Album Out Of [folder name].